St Albans Girls’ School Learning for Life in a Community where All can Excel
Welcome to St Albans Girls’ School STAGS students develop skills for lifelong learning. We aim to instil in every student a set of attributes, skills and values that will enable them to make informed choices, be responsible and principled citizens, enjoy career success and achieve personal fulfilment. We know that choosing the right school is one of the most important parenting decisions you will make and we hope that this prospectus gives you a flavour of the exceptional education we provide. We encourage you to visit us to experience our school community as we demonstrate how we realise our unique vision. Margaret Chapman Executive Headteacher Our school is a very special place and our students, staff and governors are exceptional people. We celebrate and build on our distinguished history combining innovation within a caring, vibrant and dynamic community. Our students thrive on expert teaching, high quality facilities and a vast range of extracurricular activities. Our academic results are impressive. We know that if we have high expectations of our students, there is no limit to what they can achieve. We are committed to the highest standards of teaching and learning - achieved through a combination of challenge and support, encouragement and praise – to ensure that all students fulfil their potential. We develop the individuality and confidence of our students’ right across the curriculum. Our students are enterprising, friendly and ambitious with a wonderful purpose and energy. ‘St Albans Girls’ School is part of ATLAS Multi Academy Trust, ensuring outstanding educational provision through challenge and the promotion of excellence’ 1 ST ALBANS GIRLS’ SCHOOL The STAGS community is united in its rigorous learning culture with an emphasis on the strengths of diversity and preparedness. STAGS students have full access to wonderful physical and cyber learning environments where they can develop skills and deepen thinking across a full range of subjects for all learners. Students leave STAGS having achieved their potential through invigorating learning opportunities enabling them to become ethical, creative and compassionate members of society. Our enrichment opportunities cater for all interests and we celebrate students' many successes at every opportunity. Paul Kershaw Head of School
Our Vision Our vision is to instil in all of our young people, a thirst for ‘Learning for Life in a Community where All can Excel’, ensuring outstanding provision with academic achievement at its core, but social and life skills at its heart, so that our students have a genuine desire to succeed in a supportive environment Our Values TRUST Being confident, resilient and reliable SUPPORT Helping each other thrive GENEROSITY Contributing to our community and beyond SUCCESS Knowing and recognising achievement AMBITION Aspiring to be your best PROSPECTUS 2023 2
A Tradition of Excellence... ‘Teachers really care about learning and explain that we are all part of a 7 Year Learning Journey’ - Year 9 Student We have been serving our community since 1920, nurturing aspirations and inspiring success, creating a truly distinctive character and a vibrant learning community where we welcome all students. Standards are high and students rise to these expectations with consistently excellent outcomes for all. ...with the Freedom to Flourish At the heart of our school is an outstanding curriculum taught by specialist teachers who are inspirational and passionate about their subjects. Students enjoy challenging and inspiring lessons which foster a love of learning and provide knowledge and understanding of the world in which we live. Emphasis is on the development of skills for life and future learning. Intellectual curiosity ensures preparation for the next step. Students are supported to become confident, independent learners with highly developed thinking and communication skills. Our goal is to encourage all students to explore and broaden their interests and talents in a secure, happy and friendly environment. Our broad and balanced curriculum is carefully crafted considering opportunities to deepen thinking as well as the promotion of effective metacognition. Our curriculum is robust and 3 ST ALBANS GIRLS’ SCHOOL ambitious, with embedded adaptability and challenge for all learners. There is a focus on collaboration with a deeper level of impact from Learner Voice and skills development bespoke to the needs of year groups and individual classes. Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity threads through every facet of our school community. Allowing all students to feel seen, heard & celebrated through everything that we do. Every student is special at STAGS, but those with particular needs such as disabilities or learning difficulties are supported by our inclusive philosophy. Our Inclusion Team provide practical support and advice to ensure that students are able to access the curriculum and maximise their progress. Our focus on blended learning enables our next generation of students to embrace technology and enhance their learning experiences.
4 ‘Students at STAGS are really listened to and are all made to feel part of the STAGS community. Everyone has a voice’ Parent Survey Feedback Happiness, Opportunity & Community AT STAGS WE ARE A FRIENDLY, SUPPORTIVE, INSPIRATIONAL AND FORWARD THINKING COMMUNITY The transition into secondary school can be both exciting and unsettling. With new challenges to face and new friends to meet, our students very quickly flourish at STAGS. It is our family atmosphere and community approach that enables a very smooth transition from primary to secondary school. Our anti bullying ambassadors programme, self-esteem and social awareness groups alongside our restorative work, mean students are open to sharing the issues facing young people today and are skilled at working them through. Our pastoral curriculum encompasses our values, embedding the importance of Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity into the tapestry of our school Sustainability Sustainability forms a cornerstone of our values of improving the environment and taking care of the future, which resonates in our school motto ’Nobis Cura Futura’, Ours is the Care of the Future. Students in every year group are actively involved in raising awareness and helping to reduce our school carbon footprint, minimise the amount of waste going to landfill, and encourage sustainable use of resources across the school. Through regular Eco Council meetings, Stagsbites, StagsTalks, projects and activities we are raising awareness of the importance and impacts of our actions on our school, local and global environments PROSPECTUS 2023 4
Learning through Challenge and Success BUILDING CONFIDENCE AND RAISING ASPIRATIONS We know that young people thrive when they are inspired and motivated whilst feeling happy and secure. At STAGS, we are dedicated to developing enquiring minds and promoting the enjoyment of learning. Our students are happy, well rounded young people and their exceptional examination results speak for themselves. Home learning gives students the opportunity to develop independence and foster a ‘love of learning’, enhancing achievement and developing strong study skills. A supervised home learning club is available after school each day, with supervisors on hand to support students. Every student has a Leadership Passport as part of preparation for their futures and the world of work. In addition, we have a culture of rewarding hard work, good behaviour and excellent attendance. The reward system is built around the eight Houses and develops leadership, entrepreneurial skills and the ability to work in a team, enabling students of all ages to meet regularly through assemblies and take part in competitions. 5 ST ALBANS GIRLS’ SCHOOL
The Unlocking of Talents… STAGS students are leaders of the future. They develop confidence and leadership skills for future success by engaging in a wide variety of activities. High academic achievement is nurtured in an environment where students participate in ongoing activities with peers and adults. Developing their enterprise and employability skills in the classroom and through participation in a range of activities allows preparation for a successful future and students are empowered by being able to shape their own learning experience and support the learning of others. ‘This is a very welcoming school where everyone is treated fairly and encouraged to achieve their best’ - YEAR 10 STUDENT Inspiration and Enrichment There is a STAGS ‘buzz’ – an energy and pulse that has pace and enthuses our girls. We have a rich and varied array of enrichment and offer many opportunities to participate in local, national and international educational activities. With a superb record of participation and high achievement in Sport, Music and The Arts, students are proud to join a vast range of extracurricular activities. Our extended learning experiences provide our girls with a real sense of purpose and further community engagement. Students also enjoy working with others in charity fund raising events and through participation in activities such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Rotary Interact and Sports Leadership, debating club to Science Crest Awards, Dragons’ Apprentice to Young Engineers – the variety is endless! PROSPECTUS 2023 6
7 ST ALBANS GIRLS’ SCHOOL ‘My daughter is settled, happy and thriving. I am delighted with STAGS’ - PARENT Providing care and support… The journey from childhood to adulthood is complex; we have an outstanding pastoral support system, of national renown, which is multi-layered and responsive to individual needs. Recognising that each young person is unique, our focus is on enabling students to fulfil their potential. At STAGS, we have a real commitment to, and enthusiasm for, the development of the whole child. We know that you expect your child to achieve their academic potential, in a safe environment that enables all students to flourish intellectually and emotionally into mature, responsible and self-confident adults. We pride ourselves on having such an environment, which both nurtures and challenges students in all aspects of their development, supporting and championing mental health and wellbeing. All of our staff play a part in the pastoral life of our school, be it directly as a form tutor, or more subtly through being alert to individual students’ subtly through being alert to individual students’ changing needs. Directors’ of Learning and form tutors move up the school with the students, providing continuity of care throughout your child’s time at STAGS. Student Voice, through our Student Parliament, is central to the STAGS ethos and students are encouraged to contribute their ideas to the ongoing development of our school. Promoting a true sense of community, our student led House System provides a focus for competition and cooperation. House Challenges and charitable events offer students the chance to embrace opportunities, accept responsibility and develop leadership skills contributing to the school and demonstrating their commitment to active citizenship. We measure success not only in terms of academic attainment, but in developing our students into caring, responsible, socially aware young citizens, gaining the confidence, education, and skills they need for a contented and secure future. ‘I have made so many friends in STAGS. I love my school’ - YEAR 7 STUDENT
Working in Partnership… We work actively with parents and the wider community to extend opportunities beyond the classroom. At STAGS we work together with parents to maximise the achievement of our students. We believe that one important way to inspire young people is to work collaboratively. The most important partnership is between parents, school and students. This is why home learning, parent consultation and information evenings, a form tutor review day and three reporting sessions each academic year are crucial. Partnerships with Governors, our very active PTA and STAGS Alumni, the Chamber of Commerce and many more businesses ensure that life as a student at STAGS is varied, stimulating and utterly unforgettable. Our motto ‘Nobis Cura Futuri’ (Ours is the Care of the Future) is evident in our Alumni, through their successes and experiences, ensuring the values and vision of education at STAGS thrives long after they have left. Preparing for the Future… Healthy Life Styles… We guide students to make healthy choices in preparation for adult life. The enjoyable PE curriculum has an emphasis on personal fitness and encourages life-long participation in sport. Healthy food is promoted in the school dining hall and the school ethos supports mental well-being. STAGS is a very happy school! We have a comprehensive Careers Education programme throughout the seven year learning journey. As well as appreciating the need to maximise academic achievement, students develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that will help them become effective employees or entrepreneurs. We support students as they embark on their pathway of lifelong learning giving them the confidence needed to make informed decisions in their future lives whether that be University, apprenticeships or employment. PROSPECTUS 2023 8 I look forward to coming to school each day, knowing that I can ask for help or speak to someone if I have a problem, and it is resolved’ - YEAR 9 STUDENT
9 ST ALBANS GIRLS’ SCHOOL At STAGS, we are restless and this is exemplified in everything we do across the curriculum within a happy and purposeful community. We have a breadth of subjects to ensure that our students are equipped for life beyond STAGS. We constantly review and reflect upon our provision to ensure that we meet the needs of our students – flexibility and inspirational teaching maximize success; enabling students to progress to their chosen future paths. Careers advice is embedded throughout the seven year learning journey, with students becoming equipped in exploring university, apprenticeship & employment pathways for life beyond Sixth Form. Our Sixth Form learning community stands out amongst other local schools because our students become true leaders & roles models for the school itself as well as the wider community The leadership opportunities available are second to none, and enable all students to become highly responsible, caring citizens. All participate in our bespoke Step-Up programme which focuses on the importance of ‘well rounded’ individuals, whom will undoubtedly go onto shape the future. Moving forward with confidence…
PROSPECTUS 2023 10 Ready for the Next Step… ’The teachers at STAGS are all incredibly supportive and caring, and they want everyone to succeed and achieve their full potential’ Year 13 Student In Year 13, our students complete their journey at STAGS. Our leavers become ambassadors for the school where they are resilient, independent thinkers, having developed a strong set of values to take and are adept at problem solving; vital qualities for personal as well as professional fulfilment. They have faced fresh and exciting challenges, made lifelong friends along the way and flourished in the supportive learning environment which has focused on the individual development of our ‘family’ of students
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