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Initial Teacher Training Opportunities

As a Teaching School we take a leading role in the training and professional development of teachers, support staff and headteachers, as well as contributing to the raising of standards in other schools through school-to-school support.

We became a National Teaching School in 2017 and are part of the Alban Teaching School Alliance and the Alban Federation.

The core purpose of a National Teaching school is to develop effective partnerships with other schools to foster self-sustaining school network of improvement and development, with a focus on successful outcomes for students.

As a Teaching School, we are working in an alliance with a growing number of strategic alliance partners from within and outside St Albans.

Train to teach with STAGS in partnership with the Alban Federation

STAGS is proud to work with the Alban Federation to deliver outstanding initial teacher training (ITT).  The Alban Federation provides a unique school-based learning opportunity in partnership with us and other local schools. Our partnership’s vision is simple but powerful; to ensure the delivery of high quality ITT that meets the needs of the local area.  

We endeavour to create an environment in which trainee teachers feel valued and supported. We have worked with trainee teachers for many years, and we fully recognise how much vibrancy, enthusiasm and drive they can offer our school community.

The partnership sees its staff as its most valuable resource and its schools have a proven track record in training and professional development. Our teachers are excellent practitioners and are eager to share their skills, knowledge and practice with the next generation of teachers.

Hear from our Alban Federation Trainee below;

My name is Miss Sedgwick, and I am currently completing my ITT year in the STAGS Geography department through the Alban Federation.  I joined STAGS in September 2023 and since then have had the opportunity to build up my teaching hours with the support of colleagues, improving my skills and ability in doing this. I am also a form tutor which has allowed me to build rapport with students in a way that contrasts to being a subject teacher. I have also had the chance to observe many wonderfully talented teachers across a broad range of subjects which has enabled me to expand my understanding of teaching and the school curriculum.

My training is split into two parts: four days a week I teach at STAGS and then I have one day off-site where I further my training with other ITT teachers from across Hertfordshire. This has been a valuable experience for me, amplified by the support I receive from STAGS. In January I will also be completing a six-week placement at a contrasting school, facilitated by Alban Federation, something I am looking forward to.

I used to be a student at STAGS and always wanted to return to teach here so coming back so early in my career has been a fulfilling experience for me. Viewing the school from a new perspective as a teacher rather than a student is something I am really enjoying. My colleagues at STAGS are kind, caring, and always there to support one another, it is a great environment to teach in, especially as a trainee. Every day is unique, the students are enthusiastic, passionate and hardworking which makes my role incredibly rewarding.

My average day consists of a morning meeting, this could be with all members of staff, my department or my fellow year group tutors. I then have form time where I run enrichment and pastoral activities before I go on to teach 2-3 lessons a day. This teaching timetable is gradually increasing as my year goes on, which gives me the opportunity to plan lessons, create resources and fully prepare for upcoming lessons in free periods.

Every Tuesday lunchtime I also run Geo Explorers, the KS3 Geography club (which I set up as a sixth form student!). We do a range of fun, Geography related activities that help the students explore the subject in a creative way. Currently we are building papier-mâché volcanoes to understand their structure and formation, and have previously virtually explored coral reefs to understand why they are at threat. Gaining positive relationships with students outside of the classroom is something I really enjoy.

STAGS is a fast-paced, exciting and professional working environment. It is a fantastic place to train and teach and I feel honoured to be part of this community.



Get in touch

Mr P O'Neill

Sandridgebury Lane

St Albans



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01727 853134