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Revision Strategies

Regular retrieval practice and revision are at the heart of teaching and learning at STAGS. The more students retrieve, the more they remember.

The memory is like a muscle. The more the memory is used, the stronger it becomes. Regular retrieval and revision is central to improving recall and memory and at STAGS this is a critical feature of teaching and learning in subjects across the curriculum. Therefore, it is important for retrieval practice and revision to not only be frequent but also to be varied and low stakes in its approach. This section contains a whole host of resources which supports staff, parents and students in applying retrieval practice and revision to learning.

Key Definitions for Revision:

Metacognition - Understanding how learning happens.

Regulation - The ability to be able to manage yourself, for example - managing a revision timetable and sticking to it.

Retrieval Practice - A learning strategy which focuses upon getting knowledge out of the brain. Through the act of retrieval, or calling knowledge to mind, the memory is strengthened and forgetting is less likely to occur.

Booklist to support Revision Strategies:











KS3 Revision Strategies Presentation

If you would like further information on key revision strategies, click on the link to watch our 'Key Stage 3, Revision Strategies Presentation'

Quick Guide to Study Skills


Get in touch

Mr P O'Neill
Sandridgebury Lane
St Albans

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department)

01727 853134