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"Learning has no limits"

Here at STAGS Sixth Form it is not just about the learning that takes place in the subject classroom, it is beyond the classroom and beyond the curriculum. We pride ourselves on the learning that happens to enrich our students' experience, with personal development being at the centre of all that we do. The enrichment offering is vast, and ranges from debating, to life skills, to the speaker programme. We adapt our enrichment programme to the needs of our students and our community. 

Enrichment choices are timetabled for our Year 12 students, where most students will have two different enrichment options on their timetables. The choices offered range from the Extended Project Qualification, to food skills, to Sports Leaders Award and much more. 

Beyond the timetable, students are offered a wide range of student leadership opportunities that allow them to lead on charity events, fundraisers and even lead their own enrichment clubs such as Pride+
or Ummah Society. 

Trips & Visits continue throughout the Sixth Form journey, with students visiting the Houses of Parliament, Harry Potter Studios, V&A museum during our Curriculum Enrichment Week. Students also have the opportunity to take trips further afield with Politics, History & Sociology students visiting Washington DC and NYC, PE students enjoying the Austrian Ski Trip and Language students exploring Madrid. Watch this space for many more trips in the future!

Get in touch

Mr P O'Neill
Sandridgebury Lane
St Albans

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department)

01727 853134