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Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

Curriculum Intent and Overview

Curriculum allows for the development of the skills and attributes needed for students to stay healthy, safe and thrive now and in the future.  The broad spiral curriculum design across Years 7-11 allows for the programme to cover:

  • relationships and sex education;
  • health education (including physical and mental health);
  • finance education;
  • careers education;
  • citizenship education;
  • the exploration of British Values;
  • the development of character education.



The Department

Lead Practitioner: Ms J Lamb

What will be studied:

The themes covered in our PSHE programme of study are,

  • Identity: Their personal qualities, attitudes, skills, attributes and achievements and what influences these
  • Relationships: including different types of relationships and in different settings and the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships
  • A Healthy and Balanced Lifestyle: Physically, emotionally and socially. Also including work-life balance, exercise and rest and diet
  • Risk: Identification, assessment and how to manage risk and personal safety including strategies to avoid risky behaviour
  • Diversity and Equality
  • Rights and Responsibilities: Including consent
  • Change and Resilience: strategies and inner resources to cope in challenging circumstances including managing stress during examination periods
  • Power: Balance and imbalance of power including bullying, persuasion, negotiating and “win/win” outcomes
  • Careers and Finance: including enterprise, employability and economic understanding as well as learning about spending and saving

Click here to access the PSHE Programme of Study.

The STAGS policies for PSHE and RSHE education are available to download below. 

Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education from 2020

In PSHE, the students will be developing valuable life skills. They will be learning about keeping safe, reducing risk and developing employability skills for use in the real world. Students are also given the time to develop opinions and be given a platform to discuss and present ideas in a learning environment.

STAGS is fully compliant with the 2020 Statutory Duty to provide Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (RSHE). 

To see an overview of our programme for RSHE please click here

For the DfE Guidance for Parents please click  here

Right to Withdraw your Child from Sex Education Lessons

As a parent you have the right to request to withdraw your child from Sex Education lessons. Please be aware that you cannot withdraw your child from the Relationships or Health Education content of the curriculum. If you would like to withdraw your child from the Sex Education lessons we request that you do so in writing. You will then be contacted by Ms Lamb, Lead Practitioner for PSHE, who will discuss the concerns that you have regarding the content of the lessons. Following these discussions, if you still would like your child to be withdrawn, then unless there are exceptional circumstances, we will provide your child with an alternative learning environment for the duration of only the PSHE lessons on intimate and sexual relationships. She will then rejoin her class for the other topics being taught. 

Please note that if your child is three school terms (one school year) from their 16th birthday then they have the right to choose to attend the lessons, and we have a duty to fulfil this request. Additionally, please be aware that you are not allowed to withdraw your child from the science curriculum which includes content on human development and reproduction. 

How can you support your child? 

Teaching PSHE cannot happen in isolation, and it is essential to have the co-operation and support of the Parents and Carers of the students. We ask students to share with you what they have been learning in class.

As a school, we are committed to providing a community learning environment and offer parent information evenings at regular intervals which take the format of lectures by visiting specialists or curriculum evenings led by our own SLT and staff.

Years 10 and 11 Core Personal Development

What will be studied?

Over the 2 years students study all of the subjects listed above from the PSHE curriculum, with interwoven elements of Religion and Worldviews. Starting in the new 2024 academic year, Year 10 students will be completing their English spoken language presentation within their Personal Development lessons. This will aid students in choosing a topic area inspired by the Religion and Worldviews topic, in which they can express and present challenging and sophisticated information, views and line of reasoning.

Content within Personal Development includes:

  • Economic education – e.g. budgeting, bank accounts, cost of living
  • Health education – e.g. mental health and resilience, healthy relationships and drug and alcohol misuse
  • Careers education, employability, planning for the future, university courses, apprenticeships, CV writing and interview skills   
  • Personal safety and healthy choices (Year 11) - Unplanned pregnancy, termination and parenthood, drug and alcohol misuse and basic first aid top up
  • Religion and Worldviews - topics such as religion and media, religions around the world and religion and social activism

Learning Methods

The lessons will follow the familiar format that students have experienced in Key Stage 3.

How is the course assessed?

There is time for reflection at the end of each block of work and self assessment of personal progress takes place throughout the course.

What websites are recommended?

Information on the subjects we teach can be found on websites such as

Our PSHE Policy can be found here.



Get in touch

Mr P O'Neill
Sandridgebury Lane
St Albans

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department)

01727 853134