Teaching & Learning
The Sixth Form Team and A Level Teachers are committed to facilitating and enhancing the learning experience of the KS5 students. High Quality Teaching is at the heart and some of the key initiatives that underpin our provision are:
Learner Voice
The Sixth Form Learner Voice which takes place termly encompasses the thoughts, views and opinions of students on their KS5 educational journey. It is an integral part of ensuring that our learners receive an outstanding educational experience and that students feel empowered to be active in either making curriculum or whole Sixth Form changes.
Study Skills Coaching
Students have access to a bespoke range of presentations found as a tile on Student’s RM Unify and as part of the Step Up programme. The resource encompasses guidance, activities, templates and website links all designed to fine tune certain Study Skills from some of the best advice found on the internet.
The Post 16 Teaching and Learning Group
Representatives from a range of A Level subjects meet on a half termly basis to share KS5 Quality First Teaching and Research. Some aspects of teaching for discussion and new initiatives this year have been Assessment for Learning, Blended Learning and Student Directed Learning.