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St Albans Girls' School


Bereavement Support and Guidance

Being bereaved at any age, but especially at a young age, is an extremely difficult time. School staff are available to students when they feel they would like our support. Here are some of the ways in which we can support students through overwhelming and challenging times. Further services and support are detailed in the documents attached to this page, including Bereavement Explaining to Children.

Grief Encounter

Access to a helpline, support and guidance can be accessed from the Grieftalk team via the following website:

Help is at Hand

Support after someone has died by taking their own life: Their support guide is also included below.

Hope Again

A website offering support, advice and information for young people who have been bereaved:

Sudden Bereavement

A website and helpline offering support for those who have been bereaved suddenly, or when someone has died too soon in their life: Helpline: 0800 2600 400 (10am – 4pm Monday – Friday)

The National Bereavement Partnership

The National Bereavement Partnership provides a support helpline and coping advice and guidance and can be accessed via the following website:


Resources and support for bereaved young people with specialist structures for specific contexts can be accessed via their website:

Child Bereavement UK

Support for children and families when a young person is grieving or has passed away can be accessed at their website:

Bereavement Support links and guidance via GOV.UK

The government website details support and guidance with an emphasis on how grief impacts different people in different ways and can be accessed via their website:


Self Harming & Suicidal Thoughts

Calm Harm App

The urge to self-harm is like a wave. It feels the most powerful when you start wanting to do it.
Learn to ride the wave with the free Calm Harm app by choosing activities from these categories:
Comfort, Distract, Express Yourself, Release and

NHS Mental Health support at any time of the day or night

Freephone: 0800 6444 101

NHS Mental Health Support are available 24/7 for Hertfordshire residents who:

  • Are experiencing a mental health crisis
  • Need some mental health support
  • Just want to talk
  • Live chat is also available at, 7am-7pm, Monday-Friday

Please note that in the case of serious illness or injury, dial 999 for emergency services.


Harmless provides support and information to people who self-herm, their friends, family and professionals:


Information about support via the Samaritans can be accessed via their website or this phone number: or call 116 123. Support guidance is also included below.

YoungMinds Crisis Messenger

YoungMinds Crisis Messenger provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK for young people experiencing a mental health crisis. Text YM to 85258 for urgent help. Website:


PAPYRUS provides confidential support and advice to young people struggling with thoughts of suicide, and anyone worried about a young person through their website and helpline, HOPELINEUK: HOPELINEUK: 0800 068 4141 10am-10pm weekdays, 2-10pm weekends

Get in touch

Mr P O'Neill
Sandridgebury Lane
St Albans

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department)

01727 853134