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Pupil Premium Grant Statement

The Pupil Premium Grant - Supporting Disadvantaged Students

St Albans Girls' School is committed to narrowing gaps and ensuring that every pupil excels. The Pupil Premium Grant is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.

Use of the Pupil Premium Funding at St Albans Girls' School

Our vision of Learning for Life in a Community where All can Excel goes well beyond narrowing the gap between those who are economically advantaged and those who are not. We are committed to eliminating economic exclusion for all students regardless of context or prior attainment, ensuring that all have the qualifications and attributes necessary to succeed now and in the future.

Pupil Premium Documentation

Please see the PDF attachments for a detailed breakdown of how PP funding is allocated across a range of initiatives at St Albans Girls' School. Our Pupil Premium lead is Assistant Head Teacher, Pegah Jarvis and can be contacted via email or 01727 853134.

Academic Support 

Assessment, Monitoring and Feedback
STAGS TEACH standards is our feedback policy for student work, via work scrutinies, learning walks and formal lesson observations, the quality of feedback to disadvantaged students is monitored closely and given priority.

Numeracy and Literacy
Research has shown that some of the most fundamental barriers to academic success are low numeracy and literacy, our Curriculum Leaders ensure that an exceptionally strong curriculum is offered to all of our students, with support in place for those who require a bit extra.

Multi-tiered English intervention

  • Whole school reading policy is enforced–all students must have a book with them at all times,*not just in English
  • Reading culture embedded across all subject areas
  • High-five guided reading focus in all subjects and key stages
  • Oracy strategies taking place in all subject areas

KS4 Maths Tutoring
Targeted one-to-one maths tutoring for key students 

6th Form Subject Tutoring
6th Form students are paired with a KS3 student who needs 1:1 support in a core subject area.

6th Form Mentoring

  • 6th form students work closely with key students in the lower school supporting them both pastorally and academically
  • Students seek guidance and advice from Sixth Formers to assist them in every facet of their school experience

Wider Strategies

Small Group Interventions
A variety of workshops that help to improve language and social skills and promote good learning habits. The exact nature of these varies depending on the needs of our students at the time.

Achievement Mentoring
Staff work with selected students who may require a bit of extra support. Their strategies will be tailored to each individual student and will range from support in specific aspects of their learning through to cognitive behaviour therapies

Summer School (Year 6 into 7)
Selected students will be invited to attend this initiative, which allows them early access to the school site to familiarise themselves with it, meet key members of staff, and carry out fun but important initiatives that will help smooth the journey from primary to secondary school

Financial Support 

We are able to provide full, or part, funding for the items below. Although this is not a complete list so please do get in touch if you are unsure about anything:

  • Revision and text books for subjects studied
  • School trips and visits
  • Cooking ingredients
  • Materials for practical subjects such as Art and Technology
  • Chromebooks to be used in our blended learning teaching and learning strategy
  • School uniform
  • Stationary (including what is needed for examinations)
  • Additional music lessons
  • Students who are at Key Stage 5 are invited to apply for the Bursary, which can assist with the needs and requirements of their learning journey at Post-16

Get in touch

Mr P O'Neill
Sandridgebury Lane
St Albans

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department)

01727 853134