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Core PE

Curriculum Intent and Overview
The PE curriculum allows students to experience a range of sports in the hope that they will develop a lifelong participation in sport. In PE we aim to develop students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness as well as highlighting the benefits of a healthy active lifestyle for both physical and mental wellbeing. We also encourage students to take part in extra curricular activities and take exam classes in PE to encourage further learning in our subject.



The Department

Curriculum Leader: Miss Molly Stephens

What will be studied?

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Athletics Athletics Athletics
Badminton Badminton Cricket
Dance Dance Basketball
Football Football Cricket
Gymnastics Gymnastics Gymnastics
Indoor Athletics Health Related Fitness Healthy Active Lifestyles
Netball Hockey Hockey
Rounders Netball Netball
Rugby Rounders Volleyball
Swimming Rugby Rounders
YOUR Leader Swimming Tennis
Cricket Tennis Trampolining

How will they be assessed?

Students will all receive a half-termly progress tracker. This tracker will indicate their progress in PE at that point in the year following the schools assessment policies.

It will also indicate a target for improvement that all students will aim to focus on in their future lessons. Students will have time within lessons to review their targets for improvements and ask any questions about how to achieve these.

What support will be needed?

  • Encourage students to attend extra-curricular clubs
  • Ensure the correct kit for all lessons

What will be studied?

Continued Physical Education during Key Stage 4 is essential to develop both physical fitness but also mental wellbeing and team work. It gives students the opportunity to experience new sports and activities to encourage lifelong participation beyond St Albans Girls’ School.

Year 10 Year 11
  • Athletics
  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Conditioning
  • Exercise to music
  • Lacrosse
  • Outdoor Adventure Activities
  • Rounders
  • Tennis
  • Table Tennis
  • Trampolining
  • Ultimate frisbee
  • Volleyball
  • Handball

Opportunity to study Sports Leaders Level 1

  • Athletics
  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Conditioning
  • Exercise to music
  • Lacrosse
  • Outdoor Adventure Activities
  • Rounders
  • Tennis
  • Table Tennis
  • Trampolining
  • Ultimate frisbee
  • Volleyball
  • Handball

Learning Methods

All students continue to study core PE for three hours per fortnight.

Students will work practically. They will develop their analysis and observational skills, leadership and fitness levels.

How is the course assessed?

A variety of practical activities take place; there is no formal assessment.

What equipment is needed?

Full and complete PE kit

Post 16

What will be studied?

Students select their activities, options include:

  • Athletics
  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Conditioning
  • Exercise to music
  • Lacrosse
  • Outdoor Adventure Activities
  • Rounders
  • Tennis
  • Table Tennis
  • Trampolining
  • Ultimate frisbee
  • Volleyball

Students can also opt to take Sports Leadership Level 1 and Level 2.

How is the course assessed?

There is no formal assessment.

What equipment is needed?

Trainers and appropriate sports clothing for the activity they are undertaking.

Get in touch

Mr P O'Neill
Sandridgebury Lane
St Albans

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department)

01727 853134