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Reporting Absence


If your child is unable to attend school for illness or any other reason, please let us know in one of the following ways:

  • Email Ms Bishop, Attendance Administrator, at
  • Call the school absence line on 01727 853134, Option 1
  • Use Edulink to report the absence 

If you are unable to use any of these services, please contact your child's Director of Learning who will discuss an alternative.

Please leave a message including your child's full name, form, the nature of their illness and/or the reason for their absence. Only a parent or carer can verify absence and contact needs to be made on each day of absence. You must inform the school of your child's absence by 9am. Parents/Carers will get a reminder by 10am if we have not heard from families. Unauthorised absences will be actioned by our Attendance Officer and may instigate our safeguarding protocols (please do not email for this purpose as this account is not necessarily checked first thing in the morning and this may lead to your message not reaching our Attendance Officer and an unauthorised absence mark recorded for your child and a text being sent to you). 

If your child is absent without a reason, then a text message will be sent to all primary parent/carers. If you receive a text, and you believe your child is in school, then please call our Attendance Officer immediately. It is a students' responsibility to catch up any work missed due to absence and work cannot be sent home by class teachers to cover absence. 

If you know in advance that your child will be out of school, please let us know via email to Examples of such circumstances are medical appointments, dentist or doctors. We would ask that medical appointments are made outside of school hours. 

If you wish your child to be absent for exceptional circumstances, such as university visits, driving tests, music exams or funeral of a relative please complete and return the 'Request for Authorised Absence' form attached below to  Please note that we cannot grant permission for holidays (whatever the reason) in term time. 

Government guidelines do not permit the school to give authorisation for holidays during term time, even if this includes travel for a special occasion.  If a child is absent from school, without authorisation, for more than 15 sessions (1/2 day = 1 session) in a term, then the school is obliged to apply to the local authority for the issue of a Fixed Penalty Notice fine. 

Get in touch

Mr P O'Neill

Sandridgebury Lane

St Albans



(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department)

01727 853134