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Student Support

At St Albans Girls' School we have a real commitment to, and enthusiasm for, the development of the whole child. We measure success not only in terms of academic attainment, but in developing our students into caring, responsible, socially aware young citizens.

To facilitate this growth and development we have a team of professionals who lead in pastoral care. Students will receive guided support from transition into secondary school (including a full transition programme focusing on social and emotional skills and an exciting team building trip away) then on through all stages of school life.

Our Anti-bullying Programme, self esteem groups, social awareness groups and restorative work mean students are open to sharing the issues facing young people today and are skilled in working them through. 

We also encourage strong student leadership in our young people, with student prefects, peer mentoring, a Sixth Form counselling service and a commitment to our Student Voice. These provide opportunities to share in leading the school forward, including consultation groups, school surveys, working parties and individual contribution.

We promote achievement of all students in its widest forms positively, from the classroom to the sports field, the eco-council to Drama productions. However, we are aware that school life isn't always easy and work hard to ensure that there is always someone to talk to if there is a problem. 

Please see details of our pastoral structure here.

Get in touch

Mr P O'Neill

Sandridgebury Lane

St Albans



(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department)

01727 853134