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About Us

We are proud of our school and rightly so.  Not only do we achieve excellent public examination results at all levels, but we have a thriving community with a superb extracurricular programme and a wealth of activities to engage all age groups. 

Listen to our Head Teacher's Welcome speech here

The atmosphere in the school is exciting and vibrant because our students are purposeful and always busy. We encourage all of our young people to be aware of the needs of others and every year they collect several thousands of pounds for different charities. We have an excellent sporting record, with Music, Drama and the Arts celebrated within the rich and full academic curriculum. Our House system is at the heart of our community and encourages healthy competition.

As a Business & Enterprise Academy we encourage innovation and entrepreneurship through all aspects of the core and extended curriculum and we regularly participate in Young Enterprise groups, Dragons Apprentice challenges and many other activities in every year group.  You will find our staff knowledgeable, enthused about learning and excellent practitioners, within a supportive and caring community. Our activities are too many to mention so please take time to browse through our website and see for yourself what St Albans Girls' School is really like.

Margaret Chapman, Executive Head Teacher

Get in touch

Mr P O'Neill

Sandridgebury Lane

St Albans



(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department)

01727 853134