Child Exploitation
'I just didn't realise that some of the things my friends were getting involved with were so dangerous until I watched the play at school.'
Year 9 Student
What is CCE and CSE?
Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) Children who are trafficked, exploited or coerced into committing crimes are victims in need of safeguarding and support. Though perceptions are altering these young people are still often criminalised and perceived as having 'made a choice' to take part in illegal activity. More information on CCE and how to support young people can be viewed here
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Exploitative relationships are built on the child or young person's social, economic or emotional vulnerability. Children and young people cannot consent to their own abuse: so a child or young person at risk of CSE is a child or young person at risk of significant harm and they must be safeguarded. Children aged 12-15 years of age are most at risk of child sexual exploitation although victims as young as 8 have been identified, particularly in relation to online concerns.
Signs of sexual abuse and grooming
- Unhealthy or inappropriate sexual behaviour
- Being frightened of some people, places or situations
- Bring secretive
- Sharp changes in mood or character
- Having money or things they can't or won't explain
- Physical signs of abuse, like bruises or bleeding in their genital or anal area
Further information can be found on the NSPCC website and charity website PACE (Parents Against Child Exploitation).